



At the moment there are 12135 different beer brands on the "BEERguide".
Of which 6721 are described from 81 different countries with 12779  beerlabels from 113 different countries.
The number of beers belongs to one of the 2532 different breweries.



Porter - Brown

Origin Ale Style: British
ABV:  4.0 - 6.0%EBU:  20 - 30EBC:  40 - 70

01   Black Butte PorterDeschutes Brewery
02   Anchor PorterAnchor Brewing Company
03   Mocha PorterRogue Ales & Spirits
04   Cherrysh The LoveJopen
05   P'til GranitBelgo Sapiens Brewers
06   Rubberen RobbieBrouwerij De Prael
07   Brand PorterKoninklijke Brand Bierbrouwerij
08   La MalineBrasserie Thiriez
09   Préaris Chocolate PorterVliegende Paard Brouwers
10   Brixton PorterBrewDog plc
11   Glarus PorterGlarus Craft Brewing Company
12   KeTo ReporterBirra del Borgo
13   GuinchoDeck Beer Lab
14   Walnut PorterLervig Aktiebryggeri
15   Leidsch MorsporterLeidsch Bier
16   Laurier PorterBE+ER
17   Chocolate PorterBrouwerij Kees
18   D. Carnegie and CoPripps Bryggerier AB
19   ChocenbrouwerBru'd
20   St Peter's Honey PorterSt. Peters Brewery
21   Batch 86Amateurbrouwerij Bouwens
22   Common GrandMagic Rock Brewing
23   Hip Hop PorterDe Keukenbrouwers
24   PoortwachterBrouwerij Slot Oostende
25   Guinness Dublin PorterSt James's Gate Brewery