



At the moment there are 12135 different beer brands on the "BEERguide".
Of which 6721 are described from 81 different countries with 12779  beerlabels from 113 different countries.
The number of beers belongs to one of the 2532 different breweries.



Porter - Baltic

Origin Ale Style: All
ABV:  5.5 - 10.0%EBU:  35 - 40EBC:  40+

01   Rye Here Rye Now BA Jamaican Rum & American Rye WhiskeyJopen
02   Rye Here Rye Now BA Rye Whiskey & Scottish Ardbeg Whisky BarrelsJopen
03   Porter CieszynskiBrowar Zamkowy Cieszyn
04   Barrel Aged Shipwreck PorterArcadia Ales
05   Next Gerneration No.3Bronckhorster Brewing Company
06   Baltic PorterThe Garden Brewery
07   Baltic SabbathCerveja Independente Musa
08   The Fortune TammerSofia Electric Brewing
09   Rye Here Rye Now BA French Cognac & Scottish Ardbeg Whisky BarrelsJopen
10   Vredespijp-jeBrouwerij Hoop
11   Rye Here Rye NowJopen
12   BRLO PorterBRLO Craft Beer
13   St-Ambroise Baltic PorterBrasserie McAuslan
14   TomislavZagrebačka Pivovara
15   Export Porter 1750Brouwerij Kees
16   Winter GorillaSori Brewing
17   Lost RoomSori Brewing
18   Zywiec PorterBrowar Żywiec
19   Põhjala Imperial Baltic PorterPõhjala Brewing
20   Präänik Põhjala Brewing
21   Uiltje & Kompaan Gevleugelde Kameraad Uiltje Brewing Company
22   Baltyk-Tasman8 Wired Brewing
23   Tsarina EsraBrouwerij de Molen
24   Okocim Mistrzowski PorterCarlsberg Okocim S.A.
25   Howling WolfTwo Chefs Brewing
26   Chipotle PorterSakiškių Alus
27   The Black CatAmager Bryghus
28   Baltika 6 (Porter)Pivovarennaya Kompaniya Baltika
29   Baltic Porter - Lager TalesKompaan Bier