



At the moment there are 12135 different beer brands on the "BEERguide".
Of which 6721 are described from 81 different countries with 12779  beerlabels from 113 different countries.
The number of beers belongs to one of the 2532 different breweries.



Brown Ale - American

Origin Ale Style: North American
ABV:  4.3 - 7.0%EBU:  30 - 45EBC:  30 - 52

01   The ScrollGarage Beer Co.
02   American Brown AleHart4Bier
03   Nognietnaar HuismusBird Brewery
04   Frangelic Mountain BrownFounders Brewing Company
05   Hazelnut Brown NectarRogue Ales & Spirits
06   Black RiceAnderson Valley Brewing Company
07   Ellie's BrownAvery Brewing Company
08   Brother in Law American Brown AleBrothers in Law
09   Brooklyn Brown AleBrooklyn Brewery
10   Abita TurbodogAbita Brewing Company
11   Happy BarryMad Brewing
12   Page 24 American Brown AleBrasserie Saint Germain